Contact us


Meditech Data Repository Experts


Our mission:

To empower healthcare professionals with superior information to make knowledgeable decisions.


about us

Established in 1998, Acmeware specializes in report consulting services and software solutions based on the MEDITECH Data Repository. Whatever your data needs from MEDITECH, from custom reports to the latest in data visualizations with Power BI, our professional services and solutions can deliver what you need.


Our clients are hospitals throughout the United States and in Canada, Australia, and the Caribbean, many of whom we enjoy a long-term collaboration with via our Partnership Program. We have a skilled staff of professionals working from our offices in the Boston area, as well as remote locations across the country. Our consultant analysts, developers, and executive staff have many years’ experience in MEDITECH hospitals, working at MEDITECH, and sometimes both. 

muse logo300Acmeware is a long-time member, exhibitor and sponsor at the annual International MUSE Inspire conference, and an active participant in MUSE activities, including workshops, the Leadership Summit, panel discussions, the Executive Institute, webinars and the Commercial Member Committee.

Learn more about our team or career opportunities. 

Acmeware – transforming data to knowledge.


Contact us today if you'd like more information about our company or the services and solutions we offer.